Lard is making a comback for 3 healthy reasons!

Lard is a fat that was used by our ancestors for generations.  Although it went out of vogue for a period, when synthetic shortening came along with its very unhealthy trans-fat, lard is finally making a comeback among those that want to get back to basics!  And lard has three important healthy benefits!   1) It has a high melting point, which makes it ideal for making healthier homemade pastries. 2) It does not oxidize (which is carcinogenic) at high temperatures like olive oil 3) It has less saturated fat and cholesterol than butter. 

But be sure to get lard from pasture-raised pigs!  The composition of fat in lard from pastured pigs is healthier, and it’s better to render your own lard, so it’s natural, without bleaches and additives.  Rendering lard may sound a little daunting, but it’s actually very easy! 

Instructions for Rendering Lard

1.       First, you’ll need a pound of pig fat from a farmer that takes good care of the pigs. 

2.       Chop the fat in small pieces, and place into a large, heavy pot or a Dutch oven. 

3.       Pour a half cup water into the pot. 

4.       Heat the pot on medium-low, stirring occasionally.

5.       Continue for around an hour until you hear loud popping noises.  Cracklings will begin forming.  Stir frequently. 

6.       When the cracklings begin floating on top, continue stirring carefully.  When the cracklings sink to the bottom, you have rendered lard!

7.       Cool and pour into containers through a colander or a cheesecloth. 

8.       Refrigerate the lard overnight, and it will solidify.  Keep refrigerated or it may be frozen.  It will keep in the refrigerator for up to 6 months, or it may be frozen for about a year. 



PIGS…Did you know?