PIGS…Did you know?

Pigs get a bad rap for being sweaty and dirty.   In fact, your mom may have compared your bedroom to a “pig stye” or maybe you told a friend you were sweating “like a pig” during a big exam back in high school. 

But actually, pigs don’t have functional sweat glands.  They feel the heat, but they can’t sweat it off the way we do.  That’s the reason they seem muddy and dirty.  They use mud holes to stay cool.  They love taking relaxing “mud baths” because the mud cools them down! 

But the mud serves another important purpose too!  It works as sunscreen.  Pigs, with their thin hair, are prone to sunburn, like we are.  The mud provides a natural sunscreen that helps keep them cool and comfy.  So, a muddy pig is a happy pig! 

Pigs are also smart.  If you set a boundary fence for them, they will quickly learn to stay within that boundary.  Pigs also have a good memory, and they have personality!  Our pigs do let us pet them, and they even like to chase cars! 

And pigs are great at plowing!  Our pigs will root up a sizeable field in just a couple of days!  They love to dig up the dirt and find some tasty roots!  They also love to roam in the woods, looking for yummy nuts and other treats! 

Pigs are happiest when they’re able to just be themselves, and live their best piggy lives!  This includes lots of space to roam, a few mudholes, plenty of sunshine and water, and all the food they can eat…and trust me, that’s a lot! 


Lard is making a comback for 3 healthy reasons!